Friday 31 December 2010


Having had some history lesson we headed for Sihanoukville (still in Cambodia) to take some Sun in its quiet and clean beaches with very clear water. We spent our Christmas there having Christmas dinner on the beach and enjoying local seafood including barrrrracuda.
In Sihanoukville we had our first adventure with a policeman. We were riding a motorbike and suddenly cambodian police emerged and stopped us. Salvatore was illegaly riding a bike without... a t-shirt! The officer was so gentle and didn't want to fine us but instead wanted some money for himself. As he didn't mention a specific amount of money we bribed him with $1, this included a chewing gum I was offered by the man :)
Saddly, the time to leave beautiful Cambodia was coming quickly. Last rays of the Sun and some more mango shakes and we were ready to go to Vietnam.

Same Same boat but different!!!
We forgot to mention about this famous cambodian sentence. You could hear it from every child that stopped us and trying to sell some bracelets, t-shirts etc. When we were trying to explain that we already bought on exactly the same the famous "Same Same but different" was said.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Eve ☆! Noi siamo tornati da poco da Dubai, entusiasti di quello che abbiamo visto e che abbiamo fatto... quando tornate vi facciamo vedere le foto :P ci auguriamo che state bene e che l'interesse di scoprire posti nuovi non vi manchi ☺ passate un buon capodanno e stasera brinderemo anche noi dicendo: NASDROVIA! Un abbraccio e tanti baci da: antonio filippa sofia e quello là!
    FRATè vi voglio un mondo di bene ♥ Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku.
