Tuesday 21 December 2010

Holidays in CAMBODIA

Here we are in Cambodia! Since we arrived in this beautiful country we could not wait to see the soul of the Khmer Nation, the most spectacular temple complex in the world - Angkor Wat.
After a long journey we arrived to Siem Reap. It used to be a small village but has been transformed into a tourist city filled up with hotels and guesthouses. The city doesn't offer too much but we enjoyed its peacefulness and smiling people.The city has become famous thanks to Angkor Wat temple complex - one of the seven wonders of the world.
Once we arrived to  the Happy Guesthouse we booked a tuk tuk driver fot the first day in Angkor Wat.

Angkor What?!

The temples of Angkor were built between 9th and 13th centuries. This huge and extraordinary monument ic covering area of 400 km^2!!! Surpriisingly has been discovered by western people in 19th century. Being inside those temples gave us feeling that is very difficult to put in words. Spirituality, art and nature are mixed together and are emphasized by the size of those huge temples. In few words you must to go there to feel it!!!
Our adventure in Angkor Wat started before sunrise. We left our guesthouse in pitch black and when we arrived to the first temple it was even darker. The driver stopped in the middle of nowhere. We could hardly see eachother and he said this is Prasat Pre Roup - as if we could see a thing!!! We managed to climb some steps without realizing where we were. Thanks to the light of a mobile we set up our camera and with every second huge lion statues started emerging from the dark. The early warm light of the Sun finished to shape up the rest of this incredible temple. Temples of Angkor started waking up.
After 3 days in Angkor and hundreds of mango shakes (must try) we are on the way to the capital of Cambodia - Phnom Penh.

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