Thursday 30 December 2010


We were welcomed in Phnom Penh by tens of tuk tuk drivers waving to us and running along with our bus. Once the bus stopped they qued politely and were waiting for their turn to take tourists to their hotels.

Phnom Penh
It used to be the most beautiful city in Indochina but many destructive wars changed its look. In 1975 it was even completely abandoned becoming a ghost city. Now it's back to live again.
The first night in Phnom Penh we went to the bank of Mekong river - famous meeting point where you can enjoy food from all over the world and chill out drinking some Tiger beer. Having our dinner there we were amazed how cambodians love group dancing. People from little children, youngsters and older people were dancing together in the boulevard. We were enjoying these moments knowing that the next day we will be brought back to the brutal past of  Pol Pot era.

Year Zero
30 years after World War II finished another demon came. Pol Pot with Khmer Rouge clique within 4 years managed to kill 1/3 of cambodian population, i.e. 3mln people! Thousands of cambodians were killed just because they were educated or only for wearing glasses. The reason for this genocide was Pol Pot's crazy idea to bring Cambodia into ignorant, primitive agrarian cooperative.
This is another proof of history repeating itself and innocent people being victims of selfdestructive or utopic ideology.

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