Saturday 5 February 2011


The city is completely different from Melbourne. Many restaurants and pubs are hidden in cozy places round bays of Sydney which means only one - money and posh people :)
Since we were disappointed that we hadn't seen no one kangaroo so far we decided to go to a zoo and after aquarium. At the end Edyta wasn't looking for a kangaroo any more but koala. They were really cute, there were three koalas sleeping on one little eucalyptus tree - it looked like they had a heavy drinking night. Sharks in the aquarium were great as well. You could see their lines of sharp teeth very well as the fish was swimming over your head. 
Tired little bit of sightseeing and hot weather we are hiding today in internet cafe and catching up with our blog. Tomorrow we are going to New Zealand where a camper van is waiting for us so no more walking, hurray!!! We are going to FIORDLAND and we are really looking forward to see it.

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