Wednesday 16 February 2011

8 days and 7 nights and almost 3,000 km

This is how long it took us to travel in the south of southern island of New Zealand. The island is amazing!!!!
It's said there are 40 million sheeps and 4 million people in New Zealand while 3 million is leaving in northern and only 1 million in southern island. So... it was just us, our sleeper van and untouched nature. But let's start from the beginning.
Kiwis are so aware of the treasure they've got than when we arrived to Christchurch airport we had our trekking shoes cleaned in order to avoid any cross contamination (AMAZING).
We started our journey from Christchurch towards south, i.e. Fiordlands and after Catlins. As there are almost no cars on the roads you would expect driving to be very easy and smooth, but it wasn't. It was impossible for us to drive there as we had to stop almost every 100 metres in order to admire the nature and make some pictures. Once it even took us 2 hours to make a half an hour route.
There are no words to describe the place. Huge lakes looking almost like sea. Its strange colour, something like turquoise but it looked very unreal. Amazing glaciers with blue ice, mountains and never ending green hills with millions of sheeps! Wonderful!!!!!!
Hopefully the pictures will be uploaded shortly.

Saturday 5 February 2011


The city is completely different from Melbourne. Many restaurants and pubs are hidden in cozy places round bays of Sydney which means only one - money and posh people :)
Since we were disappointed that we hadn't seen no one kangaroo so far we decided to go to a zoo and after aquarium. At the end Edyta wasn't looking for a kangaroo any more but koala. They were really cute, there were three koalas sleeping on one little eucalyptus tree - it looked like they had a heavy drinking night. Sharks in the aquarium were great as well. You could see their lines of sharp teeth very well as the fish was swimming over your head. 
Tired little bit of sightseeing and hot weather we are hiding today in internet cafe and catching up with our blog. Tomorrow we are going to New Zealand where a camper van is waiting for us so no more walking, hurray!!! We are going to FIORDLAND and we are really looking forward to see it.

Australian Open

After three months in Asian continent we reached Australia. Our plan was to go to Brisbane and travel through the east coast of the country to Sydney. Unfortunately, massive flood and expected cyclone made us change our mind. Straight from Brisbane we flew to Melbourne.
Salvatore did not have a good welcome at the Brisbane airport. It's god father look like face caught attention of one of the Australian officers. Having shown his passport he was under strict interrogation. For the officer it was very suspicious that Salvatore was flying straight from Brisbane to Melbourne while he was supposed to leave the country from Sydney.
After this nice welcome we headed to Melbourne where it wasn't any better. Australia is very expensive so we had to switch from luxury of having double room to dorms. Unfortunately, due to Australian Open everything was fully booked and all we were left with was 14-bed dorms. So, we entered to our cozy room and we were hit by a heavy smell of alcohol - Murray won semi-final that night.
We were eager to see one of the Australian Open finals live but as for backpackers' pockets it was little bit expensive so we decided to watch in the Federation Square on a massive screen.
Atmosphere in Melbourne is amazing. Lots of young people around and many artists making their first steps on the streets of the city centre. We were told it's the best city in Australia to start your music career.
From Melbourne we took the famous Great Ocean Road to see 12 Apostles - limestone rocks that through the time were eroded by water were standing out from the ocean. The scenic view of the road is amazing! Green mountains close to long beaches and navy blue water. We even managed to see a family of three dolphins, unfortunately no kangaroos :(
We arrived to Port Campbell which we thought would be a city but it turned up to be a roundabout with few motels and a camping site. Salvatore even noticed that there was one waitress working for two neighbouring restaurants at the same time. But we couldn't complain. The nature around was amazing and we enjoyed every minute of our long walks (6 km under heavy Sun and still no kangaroos).
When we arrived to Melbourne we wanted to relax on one of the Australian beaches but the choice of the day wasn't the best one as on that particular day it was 42C degrees!!!
The following night a long trip to Sydney was waiting for us.

Tuesday 1 February 2011


Having spent weeks in those beautiful countries where everything was so natural and simple we knew our trip is going to change. Welcome to SINGAPORE - the shopping city.
Singapore has been drastically transformed in last 20 years into a very modern business city. The first impact of Singapore was the immaculate cleanliness where by law almost everything is forbidden.
The thing that impressed us the most was the huge amount of shopping centres per one square meter. It looks like there is one shopping centre per one Singaporean.
The other amazing thing about Singapore is food. Salvatore was completely lost in this paradise not knowing when to finish eating. You will be surprised by the choice of food from around the world you can find in Singapore!