Friday 5 November 2010

Arrival at Delhi

First day and a total confusion. Leaving the building of airport was like a slap to our face - we were struck by the noise of the traffic and by the hot wind. Using a horn is very common here in India, even if there is no need for that.
We took a prepaid taxi to get to our hostel. Ok, it wasn't a great fun. The car broke down after 2 km in the middle of the road in the heavy traffic. Strightaway a traffic controller appeared and said we need to move away from the road. So... Sasa had to push the car :) (his strenght was built up by horns of other cars)Me, I was inside like a princess.
After an hour a cab finally came so we thought few more minute and we are in our room. We couldn't be more wrong... It took FOUR hours to find the hostel. Excausted we arrived at the end!!!

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