Sunday 28 November 2010

Back from trekking!

We did it!!! 7 days of trekking was really a hard job - millions of steps up and down- never ending. After second day Edyta's knee was giving first signs of tiredness and with every day was worse and worse but "no pain, no gain". All the way through we were admiring amazing landscape that was changing from the very green one to the snow covered mountains. We were passing by little very rural villages where life is very hard but still people there are smiling. Nepal is amazing! We love it a lot.

Photos of Nepal-Annapurna Region

Saturday 20 November 2010


Keep the fingers for us tomorrow- 21st November we start trekking for 7 days to Annapurna Base Camp I, hight 4,300m 

Tuesday 16 November 2010


Day 5 - Golden City

Day 10&11 - Hunting for the Tigers ;)

After Jaiupur we travelled to Ranthambore National Park to look for some tigers. We sacrificed our morning sleep (wake up 5 o'clock) in order to do some Safari and find the beautifull animal. After 2 hours of extreme drive in a Jeep we could not see one tiger- just a footprint ;( The animal must hae been fed up with all the tourists so it successfully hid itself with its family in a deep forest. But we were not disappointed as we could see some peacocks,antelopes, deers, wild boar and jackals (poor deers) and overall landscape was amazing.
We spent two days in Ranthambore, where there is nothing to do but safari so we didn't know what else we could be doing there. Fortunately, we met a russian couple we got to know earlier in our trip (we met them in the dessert). So we had really relaxing and talkative afternoons. The couple was from Far Est Russia - Wladywostok, so next trip first stop will be there :)

Day 8 & 9 - Jaipur - Pink City

First of all big respect to the French couple we met in Jaipur. They were in their 60-ties and travelling with their own car from France to Nepal. They came to India trough Pakistan. The couple was sleeping in Pakistan on police car parking but they said "Pakistan non est dangereux"
If it comes to Jaipur it is very messy place, very heavy traffic. But this can be all fogotten as there is very beautiful Amber Fort. It is located on the top of the mountain so the view on the city and Nahargarh Fort is amazing. (We will put the pictures later on as at the moment we have problems with opening them)

Thursday 11 November 2010

Day 7 - Pushkar

Pushkar is one of the oldest cities in India with over 400 temples so we had to leave our shoes in the hotel ;)
Eating Masala Dosa we were enjoying amazing sunset over the holy Pushkar Lake. Well... I was enjoying and Salvatore was trying to take a good photo.

Day 5 & 6 - Blue City

We arrived to Jodhpur after 3 hour drive and we received very good welcome from the local people and even monkeys (first time we saw them).
Jodhpur is fantastic! It is called Blue City as most of the houses are painted blue which means that Brahman caste people live there.
There is a beautiful Mehrangarh Fort. This magnificent fort is spread over 5 km and is located on top of a hill which is all of 125 meters high.
Salvatore finally managed to make a good shot (you decide).

India Tour

Sorry for our delay but the internet access is not that easy here.
This is our tour in India.
Beautifull cities like in a fairytale, nice people. The best one we've seen so far is the blue Jodhpur.

Monday 8 November 2010

Day 4 - going to the desert!!! YEAH!!!!!!



Check out early in the morning for quick sightseeing in Bikaner- beautiful and massive XVI century Junagarh Fort. We were impressed by indian architecture- lot's of details requiring hard and time consuming work.
As we love driving we couldn't wait for another 7 hours in the car. We were tempted a lot by visiting Rat Temple and trying our luck (it is said that if a rat passes over your foot you're very lucky) but at the end we headed straightaway for Camel Safari (30km from Pakistan border).
It was incredible! At first a little bit painful ride on a camel (fortunately only 2km) but after beautiful sunset over the dunes. We couldn't resist staying over night in the desert and wait for the sunrise. Only bed, blanket and sky full of stars. We had plenty of wishes so fortunately there was many shooting stars.

Day 3... Bikaner

Payment toll (Punkt oplaty za wjazd na droge)
All day in the car - 8 hours driving through villages. Finally, we arrived to Bikaner where we had dinner and we easily fell asleep listening to the indian music that was played under our door.

Friday 5 November 2010



Arrival at Delhi

First day and a total confusion. Leaving the building of airport was like a slap to our face - we were struck by the noise of the traffic and by the hot wind. Using a horn is very common here in India, even if there is no need for that.
We took a prepaid taxi to get to our hostel. Ok, it wasn't a great fun. The car broke down after 2 km in the middle of the road in the heavy traffic. Strightaway a traffic controller appeared and said we need to move away from the road. So... Sasa had to push the car :) (his strenght was built up by horns of other cars)Me, I was inside like a princess.
After an hour a cab finally came so we thought few more minute and we are in our room. We couldn't be more wrong... It took FOUR hours to find the hostel. Excausted we arrived at the end!!!